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how do i permanently get rid of tmj

How Do I Permanently Get Rid of TMJ?


Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) is a condition where the two joints that connect the jawbone to the skull become painful or inflamed due to damage, injury, or displacement. Patients who suffer from TMJ experience mild to severe pain in their jaw and can even have challenges opening their mouths, eating, and speaking. One of the main causes of TMJ is teeth clenching and grinding.

However, it is important to note that TMJ is reversible, and with the right TMJ treatment in Forest Lake, you may be able to cure your TMJ pain permanently. To begin, you need to attempt to stop habits such as teeth clenching and grinding and anything else that puts undue pressure on the joint.

In this blog post, our Forest Lake Family Dental team explains some ways to treat TMJ and enhance your quality of life.

Custom-Made TMJ Splints

A dentist near you can provide you with a custom-made TMJ splint that is fitted over your upper teeth. The splint acts as a cushion between your teeth and prevents tension from building up in your jaw from clenching and grinding. You will need to wear this splint at night time to prevent unconscious clenching and grinding. Wearing your splint consistently will allow your temporomandibular joint to rest and recover.

Once your pain has subsided, do not stop using the splint. Use it for a few more weeks to ensure that the joint has recovered entirely. To prevent excess tension in your joint, stick to a soft-food diet for a few extra days before returning to your regular routine.

Physical Therapy

Another form of TMJ treatment near you is physical therapy, which involves practicing exercises to relieve tension in the joint and strengthen the muscle. Exercises such as tongue up, forward jaw movement, chin tucks, and resisted closing are some of the exercises that can drastically improve your TMJ symptoms.

During physical therapy, you may also be offered massages and acupuncture, which have both been found to relieve pain from TMJ. It is a good idea to speak to a physiotherapist before attempting any of the exercises mentioned above, as doing them wrong can make your pain and discomfort worse.

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

This procedure involves using low-voltage electrical shocks to alleviate pain. Modes of current will be placed in the affected area, and the electric currents will pass through the nerves to alleviate pain and tension.


If all of the above methods fail, then your dentist in Forest Lake, MN, may suggest that you get surgery to cure your TMJ disorder. The most common surgery for TMJ is called arthroscopy, and it involves a dental specialist positioning the joint properly and removing any fluid that is causing pain with the joint.

Visit Forest Lake Dental

If you are experiencing headaches in the morning, jaw pain, clicking or popping when you open your mouth, or tongue pain, then you may be dealing with temporomandibular joint disorder. If this is the case, it is important to visit a dentist as soon as possible so that you can get the pain under control before it becomes unbearable. At Forest Lake Family Dental, we are happy to provide TMJ treatment options. Please contact us to book an appointment today!