TMJ Treatment in Forest Lake

TMJ Treatment Near You

Temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ) is a condition where pain is experienced in the jaw joint. The temporomandibular joint connects the lower portion of the jaw to the skull, in front of the ear. Certain facial muscles that control chewing are attached to the lower jaw.

If there are issues in this area, it can transfer pain to the head, neck, face, and ears. It can also cause a jaw to lock, become difficult to open, create issues with biting, and jaw click or popping sounds.

tmj treatment in Forest Lake

Are You Experiencing TMJ Near You?

Grinding teeth, clenching jaws, specific diseases, and jaw injuries can cause TMJ syndrome. Each one can apply stress and pressure on the joint and result in inflammation, pain, and health consequences that will need immediate attention. If you suspect you have TMJ in Forest Lake, MN 55025, here are some questions you should ask yourself:

  • Do you clench or grind your teeth?
  • Does the pain in your jaw worsen when you clench your teeth together?
  • Does the area around your jaw feel stiff when you wake up?
  • Do your teeth feel loose, worn down, or sensitive?
  • Do you experience pain when you bite down while eating?
  • Do you have trouble using your front teeth?
tmj treatment near you

Treating TMJ Syndrome

If you are seeking relief from the TMJ pain you have been experiencing, there are a range of treatment options. Some of the options include muscle relaxers or steroid injections to help ease the pain. You may also be recommended to wear a night guard provided by your local dentist.

Some home treatments for TMJ near you include the following:

  • Avoid hard, tough, or sticky foods
  • Make a conscious effort to allow your jaw to rest or be relaxed
  • Improve your posture (believe it or not this helps)
  • Keep your teeth unclenched when your jaw is at rest
  • Alternate between applying hot and cold temperatures to the area

If you incorporate some of these tips regarding relief for TMJ in Forest Lake, MN 55025, you can help ease the pressure and completely change the way your jaw is feeling with a few simple, mindful actions.