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tmj pain the dos and donts of managing your pain

TMJ Pain: The Do’s and Don’ts of Managing Your Pain

Do you know anyone who suffers from TMJ? TMJ disorders are common and affect approximately 20 to 30 percent of the population. If you have TMJ pain (temporomandibular joint) then you understand just how difficult it can be to manage your pain. However, in some cases, the small steps you take towards pain management can have a huge impact on your health and wellbeing.

In this article, we are going to be looking at how your behaviour negatively and positively impacts your TMJ pain.


Think about your posture:

In today’s world, many of us spend time hunched over typing on our computer or peering at our phone. During the day, keep your posture in mind and be conscious of your neck and shoulders. Additionally, revaluate your sleeping position. Is it good for the jaw? These may seem like minor changes to make, but implementing them into your everyday routine can help you manage TMJ in Forest Lake.

Consider the foods you eat:

Particular foods such as corn on the corn, raw carrots, almonds, and overly crunchy foods can cause jaw pain for hours or even days. When you prepare your meals, consider eating softer foods such as steamed vegetables, yogurt, oatmeal, eggs, soft fruit, and soup. Putting thought into your meals before you consume them can certainly prevent you from experiencing unneeded pain.


Now it is time for the don’ts… in other words those actions that you should avoid as they only amplify the symptoms of TMJ near you.

Chew on your hard objects:

When you chew on hard or stiff things like your nails, pencils, pens, or ice, it forces you to thrust your jaw forward, which typically increases TMJ pain that is difficult to relieve.

Clench your jaw during the day:

Bruxism (teeth grinding or clenching) is quite common, especially in times of stress… the problem is, not only does it cause premature wear and tear of your teeth but it also easily aggravates your TMJ pain. Throughout the day, check your resting jaw position, your teeth should be slightly parted, your lips and your tongue should be relaxed in your mouth. Certain factors can trigger teeth clenching and grinding, if you have a difficult time managing stress, speak with a professional for more information.

Cover up your symptoms:

Many TMJ patients try to cover up their pain with over-the-counter painkillers. Note, medication for pain is only a temporary fix and once the effects of the medication wear off you are back to square one. This short-term solution will not help you manage your pain long-term which is why you should speak with your dentist in Forest Lake. They will perform an examination of your mouth, assess your bite, and create a custom treatment plan to ease your pain and prevent further damage. Why live with TMJ pain, when you do not have to? A dental professional is available and ready to help you.

The best way to manage your TMJ pain is to consult with your dentist in Forest Lake. They are qualified and experienced in treating patients with TMJ pain. Your dentist will help you get your TMJ symptoms under control and provide the proper solutions. Do not let TMJ prevent you from living your best life, schedule an appointment with a dentist near you today!