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All About Tooth Extractions

Tooth extraction is not considered a very desired procedure. However, dental extractions are one of the most common dental procedures and millions of tooth extractions are conducted each year. Today, tooth extraction is very brief, virtually painless and involves little aftercare after you leave your dentist’s office near you. The following are the most common reasons for tooth extraction in Forest Lake:

  • You have an impacted wisdom tooth.

  • You have tooth decay that is irreparable.

  • You have loss of bone.

  • You have a fractured tooth.

Why Are Dental Extractions Required?

(1) Your Wisdom Tooth Is Impacted

If your wisdom tooth is impacted, chances are it is trapped in your jaw or in your gum tissue and could harm other areas of your mouth. Typically, these teeth are the last adult teeth to appear from the gum tissue in your mouth. When your wisdom teeth are impacted it can cause you pain and be difficult to clean, thereby leading to periodontitis and other oral issues. Tooth extraction near you will be necessary for unerupted teeth.

(2) Tooth Decay

When bacteria enters your tooth, decay can form. When tooth decay infects the pulp of your tooth an abscess can form over time. If your dentist confirms that your tooth is inoperable because of infection to the nerve or due to the degree of decay or trauma, they may suggest tooth extraction in Forest Lake.

(3) Loss of Bone

When you have bone loss around your tooth, it can be attributed to periodontitis. Excessive bone loss may be the result of poor oral care, heightened oral inflammation, systemic disease or environment factors like smoking, your teeth may be at risk of serious issues and tooth loss. When your teeth are loose, they could become misaligned and will no longer allow you to eat and function. This is a painful experience and will require tooth extraction in Forest Lake.

(4) A Tooth That is Fracture or a Fractured Tooth Root

A fracture may be caused by external trauma. A physical altercation­­­–which generally takes place during sports can result in irreversible damage. An early diagnosis of the fracture is important to save the tooth. Root canal therapy may be performed on the tooth, however, if the structure of the tooth, and the nerves and roots that lie below it are damaged, a tooth extraction near you may be required.

The Tooth Extraction Procedure

When you visit a dentist’s office near you, your dentist will begin by numbing the area with anesthesia. Your dentist will ensure the area is fully numbed using a probe. Your dentist might use a drill or laser to access the deeper parts of your tooth to make room for the following sequence of instruments. The next step after this, involves loosening the tooth in its socket. After your tooth is loosened, a forcep is applied to the tooth and the tooth is pushed downward until it is released from its socket. Next, your dentist will clean the open area, wash it with a saline solution and stitch it. All after-care instructions will be provided by your dentist. Full recovery from a dental extraction in Forest Lake will take 3-4 weeks, but this timeframe will vary from patient to patient. Patients should avoid playing, picking or touching the wound.

To learn more about tooth extraction near you, schedule a consultation at our dental office. Your dentist will be happy to answer all your questions and formulate a treatment plan.