Root Canal Therapy in Forest Lake

Root Canal Therapy Near You

Root canal therapy is a dental procedure that is aimed at saving an infected tooth. A ‘root canal’ is a term used to describe the cavity within the central part of the tooth. The pulp is the soft inner area of the root canal where the tooth’s nerve resides. After the adult tooth is fully formed, the tooth’s nerve is no longer vital to the structural functionality of the tooth. Thereafter, it is not vital to the health of the tooth. The pulps main purpose is to provide the sensation of temperature (hot or cold) as well as other sensory functions.

Why is the Tooth Pulp Removed?

When there is damage to the nerve tissue and pulp of the tooth, it begins to break down and allows for bacteria to spread within the pulp chamber. This can cause an infection to form and the possibility of an abscessed tooth. An abscess is a pocket that forms near the end of the tooth’s root and is filled with pus. An infection in the root canal cause also cause the following:

  • Bone loss around the root of the tooth
  • Swelling that will likely spread to other areas of the face or neck
  • Problems with drainage that extends from the root onward
root canal therapy in Forest Lake

Causes of Root Canal Therapy

  • Decay – this is the primary reason patients need root canal therapy. Cavities that are large enough can enter the pulp chamber and this can cause bacteria to enter as a result. If this happens, the patient often times will experience pain and often time an infection. Root canal therapy in Forest Lake, MN 55025 is then needed in order to save the tooth and help reduce the pain.
  • Trauma – If you have a cracked or broken tooth that is not brought to your dentist’s attention. It is possible the crack will progress into the pulp and require a root canal. When your tooth experiences trauma, it may expose the pulp chamber or severe the nerves, which allows bacteria to enter and cause pain as well as the possibility of an infection. The nerve will be removed in order to save the tooth.
root canal therapy near you

Symptoms to Keep in Mind

The following symptoms may indicate you will need root canal therapy near you:

  • Sever pain in the tooth from chewing
  • Exposure to hot or cold temperatures results in tooth pain
  • Darkened appearance or discoloration of the tooth
  • Bump on Gingiva
  • Rotten taste in the mouth
  • Development of a dental abscess

What Happens During the Procedures?

Root canal therapy near you will require multiple visits to the dentist. The initial step involves x-rays being taken to determine the state of the tooth and if there are signs of an infection. A local anesthesia will be used to numb the area surrounding the affected tooth.

Your dentist will need to keep the area dry during the treatment and place a rubber dam around the tooth. During this procedure, an access hole will be made to have access to the interior of the tooth. The nerve, pulp, and bacteria are all removed, allowing for the inside of the tooth to be cleaned out using root canal files. After a thorough cleaning, the tooth is then sealed.

The final step involves a crown being placed on the affected tooth to help restore its function. A tooth that requires root canal therapy in Forest Lake, MN 55025 has extensive decay or weakness that requires the placement of a restoration. The crown helps protect it and prevent it from breaking.