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when you may need a root canal

When You May Need a Root Canal

Do you know what the number one goal of an emergency root canal in Forest Lake is? It’s to save a tooth from being extracted by eliminating the source of the infection that is causing you to suffer so much pain and inflammation.

Dentists accomplish that goal by painlessly opening up your tooth, extracting the infected pulp, cleaning the inside of your tooth of any infection-related material, and sealing your tooth with a material called gutta-percha. A timely root canal followed by diligent aftercare and good oral hygiene habits will save your tooth and restore full function once that tooth is permanently filled or fitted with a crown.

The chance that you might need to receive root canal therapy from an emergency dentist in Forest Lake is not the only dental emergency that can arise. We’ll run down a few common dental emergencies, but first, answer a common question about root canal therapy.

How do I know if I may need a root canal?

Root canals are an effective but urgent step required to address an advanced infection. The need for root canals in Forest Lake can indicate that your regular oral hygiene habits have fallen down somewhere along the way. If you’re experiencing any of the following five sets of symptoms, get urgent attention from an emergency dentist. Once you’ve recovered from your infection, focus on re-establishing good oral care habits to prevent future serious infections. Advanced dental techniques have made root canal therapy painless and effective at eliminating pain, but it’s still not an experience you want to go through more than once if it can be avoided.

You may need a root canal procedure if:

● One or more of your teeth are darkening. Infections can cause discolouration that cannot be fixed by teeth whitening.

● You have a pimple or abscess (a collection of pus) on your gums.

● Prolonged rather than fleeting sensitivity to either heat or cold.

● A severe or worsening and persistent toothache.

● Swollen or tender gum tissue.

If you have any of those symptoms of a serious and dangerous infection, you should contact an emergency dentist in Forest Lake immediately for an urgent assessment and intervention. An assessment to determine the cause of your infection and the best approach for a resolution will likely include x-rays as soon as possible.

Dental hygiene focuses a great deal on the importance of regular recurring habits — brushing, flossing, mouthwash, dental visits, and teeth cleaning. Not everything about caring for your teeth is routine, though. Emergencies happen.

When should you contact an emergency dentist in Forest Lake?

We’ve explained five situations when emergency root canal treatment may be necessary, and what can be done to address a serious tooth infection. There are other scenarios that justify urgent dental attention. They fall into these five categories:

● If you have a broken tooth (regardless of whether it’s a permanent tooth or a baby tooth).

● You’re suffering unexplained, worsening, or persistent toothaches.

● If your gums are bleeding and you’re experiencing pain or swelling, you may be suffering from periodontal disease.

● A swollen mouth or jaw can be caused by things as relatively innocent as gum disease or as serious as cancer.

● If your mouth tastes like pennies, this may mean a loose filling or crown.

Infected teeth are painful and can have serious consequences for your oral and general health. Root canal therapy in Forest Lake is an effective way to deal with serious teeth infections. In a perfect world, your oral hygiene habits are so good that you’ll never need to undergo a root canal. But if you’re concerned about any symptoms of tooth infection, get in touch with an emergency dentist in Forest Lake as soon as possible.