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how dental implants help you

How Dental Implants Help You

There comes a time in many people’s lives when they start to experience tooth loss. This is a life-changing event since our teeth are necessary for many things that include eating and interacting with others. One of the challenges that come with tooth loss is acquiring some form of tooth replacement. There are many options on the market and it can be difficult to determine which alternative best suits your needs. In this article, you will learn the benefits of acquiring dental implants in Forest Lake, and how they can improve your quality of life.

Consequences of tooth loss

Before learning the importance of considering dental implants near you, you must understand what happens when you lose a tooth. Immediately after a tooth falls out, the tissues that supported it start to degenerate. The gums start to shrink, and the jawbone starts to deteriorate. This is the result of a lack of stimulation from the tooth’s root, which normally promotes bone tissue growth in your jaw. As you progressively lose more teeth, your jaw starts to recede. Also, your facial muscles lose support and start to atrophy which results in a sunken look that can significantly age you.

Not all the consequences of tooth loss have to do with your appearance since our teeth also serve many purposes in everyday life. They let us cut and grind our foods for proper digestion and they also have an important role in speech. Therefore, after experiencing tooth loss, people have a hard time biting and chewing their food, which in many cases leads them to limit their diets to soft foods. This often results in nutritional deficiencies. On the other hand, it is common for people to develop lisps after losing teeth.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are the most advanced type of tooth replacement. It differentiates itself from dentures and dental bridges in the fact that they also replace the tooth’s root. This is done by the implant body, which is the part of the implant that is inserted in the gums and that fuses with the jawbone. It looks like a rod or screw and is made of titanium, which makes it very durable. Connected to the body, and peeking through the gums is the abutment, that serves to attach the crown. The crown is the visible part of the implant that lies above the gumline.

How can dental implants improve your smile?

After a dentist near you inserts your dental implants, many aspects of your life will improve. First of all, your appearance will be significantly enhanced once the gaps in your smile are filled. This will boost your self-esteem and change the way you interact with others. You won’t feel self-conscious about your smile anymore and won’t be afraid to show it. This will make you look more friendly and approachable.

Another reason for acquiring dental implants at a dental clinic near you is the fact that you will be able to enjoy all types of foods again since you won’t have any issues with biting or chewing. In this regard, dental implants are different from other dental replacement alternatives, because they are stable enough to sustain higher pressures and aren’t removable so they don’t cause any embarrassing moments.

It’s important to visit your dentist

Since dental implants are made of synthetic material, they are resistant to decay. However, this is not an excuse to neglect oral hygiene or dental appointments. People with dental implants should maintain excellent habits to keep their gums healthy since these are the ones supporting the implants and any issue with them can jeopardize their lifespan.