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the next best step toward your cleanest teeth

The Next Best Step Toward Your Cleanest Teeth


Do you know the best way to make sure you get the biggest bang for your brushing, flossing, mouth washing, dental check up attending, and regular dental treatment buck? By adding just one more element to your daily, bi-annual, and annual dental regimen — teeth cleaning at a dentist near you.

Brushing, flossing, rinsing, attending check ups twice a year, and getting all recommended dental treatment are all essential elements to ensuring a lifetime of oral health, but they get you just five-sixths of the way to that important goal. Having your teeth professionally cleaned once a year will remove any and all plaque and tartar that builds up on your teeth. And, beyond even that, a dentist near you may even throw in a bonus or two. But more on that later.

Why do plaque and tartar matter anyway?

Plaque is a film that grows in your mouth and accumulates on and between teeth, on the front and back of teeth, on the chewing surfaces of your teeth, and even along and below your gum line. Plaque allowed to remain on and around your teeth can cause tooth decay, gingivitis, and periodontitis.

Tartar is formed from the combination of chemicals in your saliva and plaque accumulations. Tartar traps stains and discolors your teeth in crusty deposits. Where tartar has started to build up, removing new plaque and bacteria is more difficult.

What to expect at a teeth cleaning in Forest Lake

Hygienists use sterilized instruments — including dental mirrors and an ultrasonic tool with rounded tips that are constantly in motion — to carefully remove tartar deposits without damaging your teeth. Mild vibrations produced by the ultrasonic tool loosen tartar to be washed away by water.

After the largest pieces of tartar have been removed, the hygienist will switch to more precise hand-held instruments called curettes or scalers. Those precise tools will remove smaller deposits from your teeth one at a time, and smoothen the surface of the teeth.

Once your teeth are plaque-free, tartar-free, and smooth, they’ll be polished with a gritty paste called prophylaxis paste. Finally, you’ll receive fluoride in one of many flavors. The fluoride will be in a tray that is placed over your teeth for 30 seconds. That fluoride protects your teeth from plaque and tartar buildup.

Any questions?

Just kidding. We know what the most common questions are at this point.

First, will it hurt? No, tooth cleaning won’t hurt. That doesn’t mean you won’t experience some discomfort. Professional tooth cleaning will produce sounds and vibrations that some people find disconcerting at first. Our staff are really good at their job, though, and will do everything possible to keep you comfortable while cleaning your teeth.

Now to the second most common question. You should have your teeth cleaned by a dentist near you at least once a year.

Potential bonuses

Every visit to a dentist in Forest Lake is an opportunity for your dentist and their staff to look for any signs of tooth decay or other issues that require attention beyond cleaning. Some dental issues — infections that may require root canal are one example — cause no symptoms until they’re very serious. This opportunity for occasional check ins is very valuable.

Your dentist can also use cleaning opportunities to hear from you about any symptoms affecting your face, jaw, head, and neck, and to screen for conditions such as TMJ (temporomandibular joint) dysfunction,  sleep bruxism (clenching your jaw and grinding your teeth in your sleep), and oral cancer with VELScope Screening.

In an hour or less, dentists in Forest Lake and their staff can professionally clean your teeth to provide further protection from tooth decay and periodontal disease, and ensure you receive all the benefits of your own excellent daily dental habits. To schedule a professional cleaning near you, contact a dentist in Forest Lake.