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6 benefits of dental sealants

6 Benefits of Dental Sealants

“Prevention is better than cure” – this saying largely applies to any and every issue when it comes to oral health. Dental sealants in Forest Lake are one of the best preventive measures you can take against tooth decay. They may prevent you from having to go through a costly and painful extraction or preventive procedure later on. Simply put, a dental sealant is a thin coating made of plastic and/or other dental materials. Your Forest Lake dentist would apply it on the surface of your teeth to prevent harm to the enamel from any potential bacterial growth.

It works as a shield against food particles, acids, and other substances that gather around the teeth creating an environment for bacterial growth. If you have decided to try this procedure out and have searched for dental sealants near you, reading this article on the benefits of dental sealants will help you be more knowledgeable about it and therefore be more ready when you finally go ahead with it.

1. Working as a protective shield

The primary aim of a dental sealant is to protect the teeth from building plaque and food particles that attract bacteria. We use many products such as mouthwash and toothpaste to clean out plaque after the buildup, which is never fully successful unless done thoroughly and continuously without missing a single day. Once you get your dental sealant applied at your dental clinic in Forest Lake, you can be assured that there is a protective shield that is active 24/7, guarding your teeth against damage.

2. Pain-free procedure

One of the main reasons that you may be reluctant to go to a dental clinic near you for any kind of dental procedure is that they are mostly associated with causing pain and discomfort. Applying a dental sealant, however, is a completely pain-free procedure. It is quick, easy and there is no downtime at all after applying it. You can go back to doing your regular daily work normally right after getting the treatment done.

3. Added protection to your existing dental restorations

The best thing about a dental sealant provided at your dental office in Forest Lake is that it works with other dental restorations and good oral hygiene habits that you already have. For example, if you have already had a root canal treatment or a crown replacement done, applying a dental sealant would reduce the damage that can affect it or the teeth around it. It is particularly important if you have a dental bridge procedure done since you need to be extra careful not to damage the supporting tooth further that is on either side of the bridge.

4. Longevity

A regular dental sealant procedure usually lasts up to 10 years. It is significantly more affordable than many other dental treatments and restorative procedures that you may need after your teeth are damaged, making it a good investment.

5. Easy maintenance

Once you have dental sealants applied, you can simply continue with your regular oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing every day and using a mouth wash. There is no special maintenance required when it comes to dental sealants. If they do become chipped or damaged, your dentist can simply reapply them which takes only a short amount of time.

6. Can be covered by insurance

Last but not least, many health insurances cover the cost of a dental sealant procedure. You can personally ask your insurance provider or get more details from your dental clinic if you are eligible to be covered for dental sealants. It is surely a procedure that you should discuss with your dentist at your next visit.