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interesting dental implant facts

Interesting Dental Implant Facts

Missing teeth affect many aspects of your life, from the way you eat to the way you speak and even the way you interact with others. Thankfully, modern dentistry offers many options to replace gaps in your smile, and one that is highly praised by dentists around the world is dental implants. In this article, you will find 5 facts that could make you consider acquiring dental implants in Forest Lake.

They help preserve your jawbone

When you lose a tooth, all the tissues that surrounded it start to degenerate. The tissues most affected by this are your gums and your jawbone. Normally, your gums start to shrink and your jawbone starts to deteriorate. Out of these two, the jawbone has the most effect on your appearance, since it starts to recede and this can end up changing the shape of your face drastically. If this degeneration continues, you will acquire a sunken look that makes you appear much older than you are.

With dental implants near you, you can stop this from happening. Dental implants in Forest Lake are a type of tooth replacement that involves all parts of the tooth, from the crown to the root. They are inserted in your gums and they fuse with your jawbone. Once they are fully functional, they exert pressure on the bone and this promotes its growth. This will impede it from receding and changing your appearance.

Dental implants function just like regular teeth

Patients who undergo dental implant surgery are often amazed at how well dental implants work and how much they look like your natural teeth. They sit securely in your gums and won’t move out of place when you are biting or chewing on hard foods. From an aesthetic point of view, they look just like natural teeth and no one can realize they are not real. Also, they have an advantage over natural teeth, because they are made out of porcelain or ceramic, they aren’t affected by tooth decay. However, good oral health habits should be maintained even after dental implant surgery. Just because you won’t suffer from cavities doesn’t mean that you will be immune to gum disease.

They have a very high success rate

Some people are scared of dental implant surgery because they think it is a very complicated procedure. However, this is simply not true. Although the process can be long and take a couple of months, it is fairly simple and is performed regularly by a dentist near you, with a very high success rate that is often close to 98%. Therefore, being scared of the procedure is not a good reason to avoid it since the benefits greatly outweigh the risks.

Dental implants will improve your overall health

There is a lot to be said about the effect that dental implants have on oral health. However, their benefits aren’t limited to the mouth. By having this procedure, many things in your life will go back to the way they were, and one worthy thing to mention is your ability to bite and chew foods. Thanks to dental implants, you will be able to eat many foods that you couldn’t before due to your missing teeth. Therefore, your diet will become more balanced and your health will thank you.

They will improve your appearance

Having gaps in your smile can significantly affect your appearance, and this is something that a dentist in Forest Lake can help you with. Dental implants will fill in these gaps in your smile and make you look younger. Also, you will be able to flaunt your smile and this will change the way people perceive you.