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what do to when a dental emergency occurs

What Do to When a Dental Emergency Occurs

Few things are as inconvenient as a dental emergency. They happen frequently and are more common in children. However, adults are not exempt from them. Picture this, you are enjoying a meal when suddenly you take a bite and your tooth is chipped!

This can be a real nightmare, particularly because most people don’t know how to react to these situations. There will always be a need for a dentist, which is why you need to find a dentist’s office near you. However, sometimes the things you do right away can have a huge influence on the outcome and recovery. Here’s a list of some of the most common dental emergencies with tips for what to do in each scenario.

My tooth fell out!

When this happens, the first thing you should do is remain calm. It is advised to try to reposition the knocked-out tooth back into the socket. To do so, you should handle it with extreme care by the crown, avoid touching the roots since this may cause even more trauma and risk the viability of the tooth. After this, you should visit an emergency dentist near you as quickly as possible. Early treatment may let you keep the tooth and prevent the need for a dental implant. If you can’t reposition the tooth, then put it in a container with milk or saliva and bring it to your dentist for him or her to assess the situation.

I broke my tooth!

This is one of the most common dental emergencies. Oftentimes people visit the dentist with a chipped tooth because they bit something hard or got hit. You should rinse with water to retrieve any pieces, and take some medication to reduce the pain. Then, find an emergency dentist in Forest Lake and schedule an appointment. Your dentist will evaluate your mouth and decide whether you will need a dental implant or just a filling. If you want to avoid getting a dental implant, then try to go to the dentist quickly and seek proper treatment. When you chip a tooth, the nerve may be exposed and the longer it is exposed, the more probable it is that you will need a dental implant.

I have a toothache!

The first piece of advice is do not neglect it! Many people have toothaches and they try to ignore the issue by just taking pain medicine. This is a big mistake. If you have a toothache, then there’s something wrong with it. Maybe you have a cavity that requires receiving root canal treatment. By taking pain medication, you are just delaying the unescapable issue and making it worse. Thus, if you end up in this situation, find a dental clinic in Forest Lake and make your appointment. In the meantime, you can rinse your mouth with warm saltwater. This has proven to reduce swelling and pain. You may also take pain medication but make sure you are not doing so to avoid visiting the dentist.

My brackets are loose!

If you have braces, chances are you will either break or loosen one or two brackets at some point. It is bound to happen. The most frequent reason why this occurs is by eating certain foods that may be too hard. If this happens, then it is important to visit the orthodontist. In the meantime, you can reposition the bracket with a little bit of orthodontic wax. Remember that it is not advisable to neglect this since it would result in extending the length of your orthodontic treatment.