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6 oral care tips for naturally healthy teeth

6 Oral Care Tips for Naturally Healthy Teeth

Have you paid for expensive dental treatments in the past to ensure the health of your teeth and gums? You aren’t alone. The good news is, understanding your oral health and its importance won’t cost you money. You will be required to make a more conscious effort at home instead.

Our Forest Lake dental clinic suggests a few ways you can learn how you can improve the health of your teeth and gums. You can do this by following these six tips below:

1. Adopt a Healthier Diet

It won’t come as a surprise to hear that drinking sodas or eating candy are damaging to your teeth over time. What you might not know, is that starchy foods can also cause oral health issues. Examples of starchy foods include pizza, bread, and crackers. When these foods break down into simple sugars bacteria feeds off of them and produces acid. The acids attack your tooth enamel, and as a result, you can develop tooth decay if you do not practice good oral hygiene routines.

Instead, opt for snacking on healthier options like fresh fruit and vegetables. These foods are low in sugar and high in water and fiber. Fiber cleans your teeth and reduces the harmful effects of sugar. Eating foods that are rich in vitamin C, folic acid, calcium, and B-12 strengthen your teeth and gums.

Examples include:

• Citrus fruit
• Unsweetened juice
• Spinach
• Broccoli
• Dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.).

2. Gargle with Salt Water

A salt water rinse can provide a soothing relief when you have a sore throat. But did you know? It is also a great way to maintain the natural pH of your throat and mouth?

This is because it maintains the natural bacteria and kills the unwanted bacteria in your mouth simultaneously. Keeping infections away is simple, swish this solution in your mouth!

3. Brush and Floss Regularly

Brush your teeth twice a day to prevent dental problems like plaque build-up and gum disease. Follow these instructions the next time you brush:

• When you brush your teeth, use a soft bristled brush as it is the gentlest on your gums.
• Begin by cleaning the chewing surfaces of your teeth.
• Use back and forth and circular motions.
• Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to remove food particles.

In addition to brushing, floss your teeth at least once per day. Flossing removes plaque and food particles between your teeth and the crevices in your mouth that your toothbrush cannot reach.

4. Scrape Your Tongue

You can find a tongue scraper at your local drugstore or dental office. Add this tool to your oral hygiene routine every morning. A tongue scraper will remove indigested food off your tongue and aid your digestive system.

5. Regular Dental Visits

Don’t wait to visit your dentist until something goes wrong. If you think that skipping routine dental visits will save you money, think again. The most effective way to keep your money on dental care is to visit your Forest Lake dentist. Why?

Visiting your dentist can help prevent oral health issues as well as detect early signs of common problems such as cavities, gingivitis or tooth decay. These dental issues can affect the long-term health of your teeth and body if not adequately cared for.

6. Oil Pulling

This is a simple and inexpensive addition to your oral hygiene routine. Oil pulling is an ancient practice used to remove bacteria and promote oral health. Set aside five minutes a day or longer to swish oil back and forth in your mouth. You can use a variety of oils such as coconut oil, sesame oil or olive oil during your practice. This highly beneficial technique can:

• Prevent cavities
• Cure tooth decay
• Heal bleeding gums
• Prevent gum disease
• Strengthen your jaw muscles
• Naturally, whiten your teeth
• Reduce bad breath

Oral Health is a Choice

You have the power to improve your oral health and overall health today. Refer to the above tips and visit your Forest Lake dentist every six months.