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how does a mouth guard protect your teeth

How Does a Mouth Guard Protect Your Teeth?

If you or your child participates in contact-sports or non-contact sports a mouth guard is essential. Mouth guards protect your teeth from traumatic dental injuries, which most commonly involve the two front teeth since they stick out.

Without your teeth, you would not be able to chew, speak, or smile normally which is why protecting them is a priority. Did you know, traumatic tooth injuries have the potential to never fully heal? Protect your teeth from long-term issues and prevent costly dental work in the future by wearing a mouth guard.

What Are Mouth Guards?

The following are the 3 different mouth guard options available:

  • Stock Mouth Guards: stock mouth guards can be found at pharmacies or sporting goods stores. They are pre-made which means you cannot change the fit of them. Stock mouth guards are often bulky and can disrupt your speech or breathing. In addition, they are limited in terms of how much protection they can provide you, especially if they fit incorrectly.

  • Boil and Bite Mouth Guards: boil and bite mouth guards can also be found at most pharmacies and sporting goods stores. They offer a more secure fit than stock mouth guards as they are made from thermoplastic material. When placed in boiling water, the boil and bite mouthguard molds to your teeth and mouth by pressing your tongue and fingers against it.

  • Custom-fitted Mouth Guards: custom-fitted mouth guards can be purchased at your Forest Lake dental clinic. They are designed in an office or dental lab and are based on impressions taken of your teeth. Custom-fitted mouth guards are made from a specific type of plastic material and are most effective at protecting your teeth. In addition, custom-fitted mouth guards are highly recommended by dental professionals.

When your dentist in Forest Lake provides you with a custom-fitted mouth guard, they follow certain criteria during the design process. Your custom-fitted mouth guard will be:

  • Tear resistant

  • Easy to clean

  • Durable

  • Comfortable

 Although this is the most expensive option, it is always worth the investment. Wearing a custom-fitted mouth guard will reduce your risk of injury to the mouth, lips, jaw, tongue, face and inner cheeks. Custom-fitted mouth guards cover the upper teeth and provide cushioning to your face, thus decreasing your chances of having broken teeth, chipped teeth, nerve damage to your teeth and tooth loss.

When Should You Wear a Mouth Guard?

During Sports and Physical Activity

You should wear a mouth guard while participating in contact and collision sports. Examples include boxing, football, basketball, soccer, field hockey, and lacrosse. This rule also applies to non-contact sports, such as gymnastics, mountain biking, skiing, surfing, and weight lifting. Contact your Forest Lake dental clinic today for more information on mouth guards.

When You Have Braces or Fixed Orthodontic Appliances

Mouth guards are crucial if you have braces or other orthodontic appliances, for example, fixed bridges. Wearing a mouth guard will protect your appliance from damage and prevent injuries as it acts as a protective layer between your appliance, lips, and cheeks.

You Have Bruxism (Night Guards in Forest Lake)

If you have been diagnosed with bruxism, night guards are available through your dentist. Night guards act as a protective barrier between your upper and lower teeth, preventing wear and tear. They are the most common treatment option used to alleviate the effects of bruxism.

Can I Receive a Mouth Guard From a Dental Clinic Near me?

Yes, you can, simply schedule an appointment with a dentist in Forest Lake. They will be able to provide you or your child with a custom-fitted mouth guard. Don’t risk your chances of irreversible tooth damage or injuries, call today!