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dental sealants guide maintaining your white teeth with sealants

Dental Sealants Guide: Maintaining Your White Teeth With Sealants

For your child’s general oral health and wellbeing, you must protect their teeth. You want to make sure that your children have strong, healthy teeth that can endure the stresses of daily life as their parents. Dental sealants are useful in this situation. These amazing protective coatings can work wonders to keep your child’s priceless pearly whites free from deterioration and cavities. 

Researching the details about dental sealants in Forest Lake, including what they are, how they function, and why your child’s dental hygiene routine should include them is an important step. Your child’s smile will thank you.                    

How are dental sealants applied?

The application of dental sealants is simple and painless. Before applying the sealant, we first clean the teeth. After the teeth have dried, we apply a low-acidic solution to them to aid in the bonding of the sealant. The application of the tooth sealant follows. Each tooth undergoing treatment will have a thin coat of sealant painted on it by our dentist in Forest Lake or a dental hygienist, which will form a strong connection with the tooth enamel. Fast drying of the sealant is essential, especially when working with children who start to wriggle after a few minutes on the chair. A curing light is employed to quicken the drying process. Normally, it takes under a minute. 

When the sealant solidifies, a barrier between teeth and bacteria is created. A few minutes are all that it takes to apply dental sealants. Getting a filling takes much longer.

Sealants for children’s teeth

The majority of children’s teeth receive dental sealants. This is because of

  • Children’s molars and premolars are more likely to develop fissures and pits.
  • Because children’s tooth brushing abilities are less developed than adults’, they require additional cavity prevention measures.
  • They function best when put on a tooth’s surface as soon as it erupts.
  • Dentists typically advise applying sealants to teeth between the ages of 4 and 15. The risk of cavities in children is highest throughout these years. In rare instances, though, if a child is predisposed to cavities, they might advise tooth sealants for infant teeth.

Dental hygiene and dental sealants

While sealants do help prevent cavities, it’s crucial to keep in mind that they are not a replacement for brushing or flossing. Children who get dental sealants near you should keep up their regular oral hygiene regimen of brushing and flossing at least twice a day. Additionally, they should keep consuming fluoride through their local water supply or through fluoride treatments we can offer at our offices. Because they believe their children’s teeth are being sealed, parents may skip fluoridation. It is advisable to combine the two protective measures because fluoride strengthens teeth and helps prevent cavities in addition to providing protection.

What is the lifespan of dental sealants?

Dental sealants are applied quickly and last for up to 10 years, or even a little longer in some circumstances. We will examine your sealants for chips or wear during your routine dental examination. Your sealants may lose their effectiveness earlier than 10 years if, for instance, you grind your teeth. If sealants experience large chips, consult your dentist near you and they might need to be changed. Although repairs are quick, many people just outgrow their sealants. They might acquire them as children but let them expire once they reach adulthood.

Contact Our Team of Local Dental Experts Today

No matter your age, dental sealants have many advantages. Get in touch with Forest Lake Dental to learn more. Your queries concerning tooth sealants and whether they are appropriate for you or your child can be addressed by us.