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the significance of night guards

The Significance of Night Guards

Everyone is aware of the significance of practicing proper oral hygiene through consistent brushing, flossing, and dental examinations from an expert dentist in Forest Lake. However, the use of night guards is one area of oral health that is often overlooked. The use of night guards, sometimes referred to as dental night splints or occlusal splints, is essential for protecting your teeth and oral health while you sleep. 

What are Night Guards?

Custom-made dental appliances called night guards are made to fit comfortably over your upper or lower teeth. They serve as a barrier to shield your teeth from contact with one another as you sleep. This separation is important because it helps prevent bruxism, a disease where people grind or clench their teeth at night, which can lead to a number of dental problems.

The Process

Upon deciding to acquire a proper-fitting night guard, there are a few steps that you’ll need to complete:

  1. Consultation

Organize a visit with your dentist. They will evaluate your oral health, go over your symptoms, and choose the best night guard for you.

  1. Impressions

Your dentist will take impressions of your teeth if a custom-made night guard is advised. These imprints act as a guide for developing your unique night guard.

  1. Fitting

Your dentist near you will check the fit of your night guard once it is completed. Minor changes could be made to ensure effectiveness and comfort.

  1. Maintenance

To keep your night guard functioning for a long time, proper maintenance is necessary. When not in use, keep it in a safe case and regularly clean it with a toothbrush and mild soap.

Why Night Guards are Important 

  • Protecting Your Teeth

Your teeth’s protection from the adverse effects of bruxism is one of the main purposes of night guards. Sleeping with your teeth clenched or ground down can cause a number of dental issues, including chipped teeth, worn enamel, and even fractured fillings or crowns. This can eventually necessitate substantial and expensive dental work. Night guards serve as a cushion between your upper and lower teeth, reducing the impact of teeth clenching and grinding.

  • Preventing Jaw Pain

Bruxism can cause jaw pain and discomfort in addition to damaging your teeth. The excessive pressure on the jaw joint can result in conditions like temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), which can cause discomfort, headaches, and difficulty opening and closing your mouth.  Night guards in Forest Lake provide a barrier that lessens the force of clenching and grinding, relieving pressure on the jaw muscles and joints.

  • Reducing Headaches and Migraines

A lot of people who grind their teeth at night experience headaches or migraines in the morning. Other areas of the head and face may experience pain due to the pressure and strain brought on by bruxism. The effect of teeth grinding decreases with the aid of night guards, which can reduce the frequency and severity of headaches and migraines.

  • Improving Sleep Quality

In addition to damaging your teeth and face, bruxism can make it difficult to sleep. Although you might not be aware of it, the grinding and clenching can result in brief awakenings during the course of the night, disrupting your sleep. You can lessen these disturbances and get a better night’s sleep by utilizing a night guard.

  • Cost-Effective Dental Care

Although purchasing a personalized night guard may initially seem expensive, you will ultimately save money. The cost of treating headaches and migraines, replacing or mending broken teeth, and receiving dental work for TMJ issues can far outweigh the price of a night guard.

Night guards are essential tools for maintaining dental health and improving the quality of your sleep. They offer a straightforward yet effective answer to many oral health issues by offering protection against tooth grinding, jaw pain, and related disorders. To learn more about the advantages of night guards near you and to take a proactive step toward a healthier smile and a better night’s sleep, consult with your dentist. 

Preserve Your Smile at Forest Lake Dental

Our skilled staff recognizes the value of a radiant, healthy smile. That’s why we offer a range of treatments that can be tailored to your unique needs. Whether you’re looking to learn more about dental guards, teeth cleaning, or cosmetic methods, come see us today to obtain a functional, beautiful smile for years to come.