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why are dental fillings important

Why are Dental Fillings Important?

Explore the realm of dental fillings, a standard and restorative treatment that, despite its effectiveness, can still be overlooked when it comes to preserving smiles. 

But what makes them so unique? A filling is a small, but sturdy prosthetic that helps stop further decay from damaging your tooth, and, in turn, eliminating the potential for other issues like infections or even tooth loss from occurring. 

Talk to a dentist in Forest Lake to learn more about this service. Your smile can be restored in just one treatment; call today to set up a consultation. 

What are Dental Fillings?

Dental fillings are customized prosthetics made of materials like silver amalgam (a combination of metals) or tooth-colored composites. They protect your teeth from further structural damage by filling in holes left behind by a buildup of plaque.

Beyond simple maintenance, their unobtrusive presence ensures continued operation in the face of everyday obstacles. By undergoing this treatment, you can preserve your smile now and in the future. 

What Leads to the Formation of Dental Cavities?

The primary reason why dentists recommend the acquisition of fillings is to address cavities. But how do they develop? The most common culprits behind this widespread dental issue are noted below: 

  • Bacteria From Sweets

It all starts with oral bacteria, which are always present in our mouths, and they thrive on sugars and starches from our food. These sneaky culprits feast on these sugars and produce acid as their not-so-sweet byproduct.

  • Eroded Enamel

Our tooth enamel, the sturdy outer layer, faces a battle against this acid. Frequent encounters lead to erosion, leaving the enamel vulnerable and creating a prime spot for cavities to make their entrance.

  • Excess Sugar From Snacking

Sugary snacks and drinks are like a feast for bacteria in your mouth. The more sugar they get, the more acid they create, causing trouble for your teeth. It’s essentially an all-you-can-eat buffet for these microscopic mischief-makers.

  • Oral Hygiene Neglect

Forgetting to brush and floss regularly gives these acid-producing bacteria a free rein. They continue their mischief, contributing to the formation of cavities.

Establishing a robust oral care routine, cutting down on sugary indulgences, and ensuring regular check-ups with a dentist near you are your allies when it comes to avoiding cavity development. 

What to Expect When Having a Tooth Filled

No matter what type of service you require, the first step is talking with your dentist about your situation. They will discuss your medical background, preferences, needs, and inspect your oral cavity via a physical examination and x-rays. The information gathered from these measures will allow your dentist to recommend the best solution.

Once you’re approved to receive a dental filling in Forest Lake, you’ll be given local anesthesia to numb the area and prevent you from experiencing discomfort. Careful application of the filling material of your choice follows; usually it is tooth-colored for cosmetic reasons. The material is shaped to provide a natural appearance. 

You will be given detailed post-treatment instructions, including those pertaining to your diet and oral hygiene. 

Types of Dental Fillings

Dental fillings come in various types to cater to different needs. Amalgam fillings, composed of metals, offer durability. Composite resin fillings match your tooth colour for a natural look. Gold fillings, while pricier and more noticeable, are long-lasting. Ceramic fillings seamlessly blend in with your natural teeth and can help boost your self-confidence when you eat and speak. 

Each type has unique advantages; your dentist can guide you in choosing the most suitable option for a functional and visually pleasing solution.

How Important are Dental Fillings?

Dental fillings are a vital protector of oral health; they prevent decay and stop cavities from spreading. It does more than just hold things together; it also restores function and protects against side effects like infections. 

White fillings and other new alternatives make function and appearance better. If you ignore them, you may lose your teeth or need more treatment. Fillings are long-term protection for your teeth and gums.

Dental fillings near you can be a crucial step in the journey to achieving a healthy smile. Booking and attending frequent checkups can help discover issues early, ensuring that you won’t need to undergo more advanced care in the future. 

Elevate Your Smile with Forest Lake Dental

At our community dental office, we offer a wide range of customizable treatments, from regular exams to more complex procedures, so that you can smile with assurance.. 

Every visit to Forest Lake Dental is a step toward a healthier, brighter smile. You’re encouraged to give us a call or send an email to set up a consultation. We anticipate working with you and your family soon!