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should i worry about my safety with laser dentistry procedures

Should I Worry About My Safety with Laser Dentistry Procedures?

You may cringe at the thought of using laser teeth whitening methods to get your teeth sparkling white. It may even sound like a painful operation that will result in bleeding gums and so forth.

One should not be overly concerned about your safety with laser dentistry near you! The teeth whitening procedure involving the use of lasers pales in comparison to the images conjured up in your mind.

Laser Dentistry Teeth Whitening Procedures

You may very well be at your wits end in trying to get your teeth whiter than white using over-the-counter strips and whitening toothpaste.

You’ve decided it’s time to learn more about laser dentistry in Forest Lake, and how other dentists who make use of these methods can give you that big white smile.

Here is a brief description of how it works:

  • You will get to sit in the dentist’s chair, where they will apply a tooth whitening gel.
  • They will point the laser device at your teeth, and the light from the laser will remove the yellow stains.
  • The laser’s light helps penetrate the whitening gel into the teeth’ enamel, thereby giving similar results to that of tooth bleaching.
  • Generally, no further treatment is needed once the laser teeth whitening procedure is completed. The bonus is that you will experience immediate results, whereas other teeth whitening methods can take between 5 to 10 days.

Amazingly, your teeth will be up to 10 shades whiter than before.

The Pros and Cons of Laser Dentistry

People with sensitive teeth will favor teeth whitening using laser light. They are generally not keen on using numerous tooth whitening procedures such as kinds of toothpaste and teeth whitening trays in whitening their teeth. This is why they prefer laser teeth whitening.

There is only one drawback when using lasers to get your teeth whiter. The initial laser treatment might prove to be a lot more expensive than other tooth whitening procedures.

Once you have received laser treatment, you might experience what could be described as sharp shooting pain coming from your teeth. The good news is that it will settle down after only 48 hours. No need to worry, as your dentist who deals with laser dentistry will supply you with a special mousse or gel to remedy the problem.

Unlike other teeth whitening methods, the laser method does not require follow-up treatments. It may very well be less expensive in the long run as you do not need more than one application.

The dentist in Forest Lake, MN, offers a teeth whitening procedure that is ideal for people with busy schedules and those who tend to forget where they keep their teeth whitening apparatus.

Overall, laser teeth whitening is the preferred method for making your teeth whiter. The cost for doing so can be around $1,000 or more. It all depends on whether additional laser dentistry procedures are needed should you suffer from gum disease, for which laser dentistry is the perfect solution.

Overview of Laser Dentistry

Laser teeth whitening is currently regarded as one of the most effective tooth whitening methods and the most effective treatment for gum disease. Users are said to experience instant results when it comes to teeth whitening.

It is not unusual to see someone entering a dental clinic near you with a blank expression, only to return with a sparkling white smile. With this procedure, the dentist will apply peroxide gel and activate it with laser heat. Your gums will be covered to protect you from the heat. There is no need to break out in a sweat as Forest Lake Family Dental shows the utmost care and accuracy.