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can I have all my teeth replaced with dental implants

Can I Have All My Teeth Replaced with Dental Implants?

Receiving dental implants is a well-known solution that dentists recommend to patients who are missing teeth. Not only does this treatment restore the functionality of your smile, but its aesthetic appearance as well.

For more information about dental implants in Forest Lake, get in touch with our local dental clinic.

Dental Implants Near You

A dental implant is a device that’s designed to fill in the spaces left behind by missing teeth.

Three components make up a dental implant: the screw, the connecting piece, and the artificial tooth or dental crown. Both the screw and the connecting piece (also known as the abutment) are made from a special biocompatible material so as not to irritate your bones and gums; usually, it’s titanium. The implant screw is inserted directly into your jawbone and, over time, fuses with it completely, providing significant strength to your smile.

As for the crown or artificial tooth, this is can be made from metal like gold or silver, ceramic, or porcelain. If you’re wanting your prosthetic to blend in with the natural shade of your smile, porcelain and ceramic are the way to go.

But can dental implants replace all your teeth? Yes, they can. Dental implants can replace one, a few, or all your teeth. However, before undergoing any type of dental procedure, be sure to book a consultation with a dentist in Forest Lake MN first. They’ll be able to identify whether you’re a suitable candidate for this process or if another avenue would be more appropriate for your case.

The Process of Receiving Dental Implants

Receiving dental implants usually takes at least two separate appointments. During your initial visit, your dentist will thoroughly examine your mouth and take some dental x-rays to develop a more holistic picture of your oral health and the degree of care that you need.

Next, they’ll administer a local anesthesia injection to keep you relaxed and alleviate any pain while the treatment is performed.

A small incision will be made into your gums to reach your jawbone. A dental drill is used to make a hole into your bone where the implant is placed. The abutment will also be installed. Once this is done, your mouth will need time to heal.

You’ll return for a follow-up appointment a few weeks later to receive your dental prosthetic. Before you go, your dentist will ensure that everything is in order and that your bite is normal.

The Advantages of Dental Implants

Simply put, a dental implant acts as a replacement for the root of your tooth as well as the tooth itself. This is one of the most durable and reliable solutions to repair spaces between your teeth. Your oral hygiene will improve too, because there will be less spaces for plaque and tartar to build up.

Dental implants can also be employed to keep dentures and dental bridges in place. Not only will this restore your ability to talk and eat, but it’ll improve the overall aesthetic appearance of your smile which in turn, will help boost your self-confidence.

Finally, you may be eligible to receive the All-on-4 treatment. As the name indicates, this is when four implants are installed to provide you with an entire set of upper or lower teeth.

Are you looking to receive dental implants at a dental clinic near you? At Forest Lake Dental, we’ve got you covered! Our staff is here to address all your questions and walk you through the process from beginning to end. Call or come in to schedule a consultation today! We look forward to working with you soon!