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what does it feel like to get a tooth pulled out

What Does It Feel Like to Get a Tooth Pulled Out?

Visiting the dentist is often an event that makes people nervous. Why? Because none of us want to experience any pain. When we’re unsure what a certain treatment or procedure entails, we think it will hurt and therefore, we get scared. This line of thinking is normal, especially regarding root canal therapy or tooth extraction.

If you’re looking for more information about such processes, including receiving a tooth extraction in Forest Lake, get in touch with your dentist.

What is a Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction is the process of removing a damaged tooth or a tooth that impeded the growth of another. It’s a very straightforward procedure and, regardless of what you may think or have heard, it’s actually quite a common one too.

But don’t worry, no dentist just goes around pulling teeth for the fun of it. Like any other dental treatment, this is recommended only when it’s necessary. Furthermore, all dentists are qualified to perform this procedure, so you’ll be in good, capable hands the entire time.

Reasons for Tooth Extraction

As mentioned above, your dentist in Forest Lake MN can recommend undergoing this process for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to the following:

• Advanced tooth decay.
• Infection.
• Overcrowding.
• To prepare for orthodontic treatment. Receiving braces is a common example since your teeth need space to shift into new, healthier positions.
• Your tooth is damaging another.
• Gum disease.
• Fragmented teeth.

Are you experiencing any of these issues? If so, or if you’re unsure whether you should seek out dental care, it’s always smart to play it safe and book a consultation at a dental clinic near you.

The Tooth Extraction Process

Two types of tooth extractions are offered to patients: simple and complex.

If you’re needing a tooth pulled that’s fully erupted above the gum line, then your dentist will perform a simple extraction. When you come in for such a visit, a local anesthesia injection will be administered to you to keep you nice and relaxed. A pair of dental forceps are employed to rock your tooth from its socket before officially extracting it. Lastly, the site will be stitched shut.

In comparison, your dentist performs a complex extraction when you have a tooth that needs to be pulled but it’s only partially erupted or not at all. Unlike a simple extraction which is minimally invasive, surgical means are necessary. In this scenario, you’ll also be given anesthesia. An incision is made in your gum tissue to access your entire tooth. Once any bone debris is fully cleared away, forceps are used to loosen the tooth and then take it out. The site will also be stitched up.

Prior to receiving any type of treatment, it’s important that you attend an initial consultation with your dentist. They’ll examine your mouth and take x-rays to identify the crux of the problem. This will also allow them to determine whether you’re an ideal candidate for tooth extraction or if pursuing another avenue would be more effective. You may be referred to an oral surgeon if you require more advanced care.

What Does a Tooth Extraction Feel Like?

Does it hurt?

This is arguably the most frequently asked question when it comes to tooth extraction.

In short, no, tooth extractions don’t hurt. This is because you’re given local anesthesia to keep you comfortable while your dentist works. The sharpest sensation you’ll experience is a slight pinch from the needle. However, if you’re experiencing more sensitivity and prefer additional means of care, talk to your dental team about sedation dentistry options. You deserve to be taken care of each step of the way, and at Forest Lake Family Dental, we’re here to make sure that happens.

Once your procedure concludes and the anesthesia begins to wear off, you’ll most likely feel sore. Your mouth may swell up a bit and you may experience minor bleeding. All these things are completely normal. Hold a cold pack against your cheek and take some Advil or Tylenol. Allow yourself ample time for your mouth to recover, and you’ll be back to your old self in no time!

Looking to receive a tooth extraction near you? Here at our local dental practice, we provide reliable, effective care to all our patients. Phone us, drop by in person, or fill out the online form on our website to book an appointment and get started today!

We’ll see you soon!